Sep 30

The Durty Dabbers/XTRA event will be held at the Jersey Shore, PA location on October 6th, 2013.  The directions are below.

Jersey Shore Directions
Jersey Shore, Pa is located on Route 220. From Rt. 15, take 80 West. If traveling route 80 East, get off exit 178 (Lock Haven) and take rte 220 north. (about 17 miles from rte 80 exit to Jersey Shore exit) Exit off the Jersey Shore Main St. exit; take a right if coming from the East – take left if coming from the West. Follow Nice’s Hollow Road up the hill. Take a left into the Four Wheel Drive track.

One Response to “Durty Dabbers/XTRA event Oct 6th – Jersey Shore, PA”

  1. Dave Minnich says:

    Hello… I’m looking to sell a 2003 Scorpa 250SY Race. Do you have a classifieds I can list this on?


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